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freedom of speech | Sunday, August 27, 2006

honestly...i think there's really no freedom of speech over here.

that's so unfair.
and the thing is that not only people who can speak don't have a freedom of speech,
even those who CAN'T speak don't have the freedom of speech.

it's true

like babies...
they can't speak what they want can't they.
like parents always want them to say mama or papa.
if the babies said shut up,
do u think the parents would rejoice or become like this...

baby: shut up, donkey holes.
mom: oh george! our baby's talking! oh! oh!
dad: yes! that's great honey! that's wonderful! he's saying shut up! oh our baby said the MOST wonderful word in the galaxy!
mom: our dear, darling little baby is talking!


no way any parent is going to say that.

prove it and i'll give u a million.

more likely, the parents are going to say...

mom:oh my freakin' god! u bloody *toot* george! always using those Bloody languages when you
watch that bloody *toot* football!

dad: oh yeah! well, like you don't use it too! always complaining that someone else snaged that
gucci, 70% off, limited edition leather handbag from you at the sample sale! more likely it
was YOUR genes that did that!

mom: yeah right, u bloody egoistic buster! I WANT A DIVORCE! oh, and by the way... i think
your freakin golf sux.

and then the government undercover agents would suddenly crash through the window,
bring them to court,
then sue them for divorcing without proper reason.
(or some thing like saying vulgar words in front of an innocent infant)

even parents do not have the freedom of speech.

i think instead of hiring undercover agents to install the latest technology in everyone's house, to see if anyone was speaking of some unknown taboo, they should just cut of everyone's tongue including their own and get over with it.

just as well.
it would save alot of political crisis of no one could speak.
then no one would be accused of discussing politics.

but anyway...the accuser wouldn't be able to accuse cuz he/she already has his tongue cut off.


imagine having no tongue.

french kisses wouldn't exist,
little boys wouldn't get spanked on the bum for sticking out their tongue,
lolipops would be banned,
tongue piercing would go out of business,
and no more sweet sour bitter or salty.

it's horrible.

having no freedom of speech sux.
yea... it sux.

Created at 8:58 PM

constipated arm wrestling | Wednesday, August 23, 2006

this entree was inspired by constipated faces.

MY constipated face
as some ingrate said.

it was mentioned by someone,
who said my face looked constipated when i arm wrestle.

damn u richard gear.

any way...
arm wrestling rawks
it's so FUN man.

it's ALMOST as fun as gossiping.

i love arm wrestling.

i shall take my revenge.

so long le .
still in same position.
everyone go home pang sai le, still won't move an inch.


and they kept taking breaks.
again and again.
the whole thing took 15mins.
i saw it.
and in the end nither won.
both gave up.
"too tired"
"no energy"


i keep making so many lame stickmen comics,
might as well make my own series.


see if i'm in a making-lame-stickmen-comics mood

depends if i'm not in a PMSmood...


Created at 7:14 PM

voodoo curses | Monday, August 21, 2006

i think i have some kind of distant enimity with captain's ball.

it keeps attacking me.

the knee, stomach, face, jaws.... you name it.
it even wants to trip me up

too bad even a cursed ball has its limitations.
it. has. no legs.



no leg still dare try trip me.
bu zhi liang li

any way. .. the bloody ball brainwashed those who were holding it to aim it me.
sort of like a dartboard..
like the ball is the dart and i'm, well..., the board. duh

i'm having a suspicion that the ball that hit me today is the same ball that brainwashed that (now) 2h/i girl in sec1 orentation to throw the ball directly at my already broken spectacles.

she was lucky.
my spectacles were already broken before and held with scotch tape.

if my spec had not been already broken...
the only thing that broke would not be the poor scotch tape.
and i mean something that involves bones.

back to the point...
i was hit by the ball AGAIN, during another PE lesson.
AND... tripped during the same game and hurt my knee.

sometimes when i KNOW that i've already caught it...
the bloody just FLY out of my hand

like this...


i caughz zee ballz! HaHaHa...now u can't escape! u dirty piece of poop! =D

it flew!

i swear!

i really can see that meannie's smirk on it dirty ragged face.

i hate it.

i reeally hate it.

yupyup..i do.

Created at 3:54 PM

i like monkeys | Friday, August 18, 2006

k... i got this from a link.
funny though.

I like monkeys.

The pet store was selling them for five cents a piece.
I thought that odd since they were normally a couple thousand each.
I decided not tolook a gift horse in the mouth.
I bought 200.

I like monkeys.
I took my 200 monkeys home. I have a big car. I let one drive.
His name was Sigmund. He was retarded. In fact, none of them were really bright.
They kept punching themselves in their genitals.
I laughed.
Then they punched my genitals.
I stopped laughing.

I herded them into my room.
They didn't adapt very well to their new environment.
They would screech, hurl themselves off of the couch at high speeds and slam into the wall. Although humorous at first, the spectacle lost its novelty halfway into its third hour.
Two hours later I found out why all the monkeys were so inexpensive:they all died.
No apparent reason.
They all just sorta' dropped dead.
Kinda' like when you buy a goldfish and it dies five hours later.

Damn cheap monkeys.
I didn't know what to do.
There were 200 dead monkeys lying all over myroom, on the bed, in the dresser, hanging from my bookcase.
It looked like I had 200 throw rugs.
I tried to flush one down the toilet. It didn't work.
It got stuck.

Then I had one dead, wet monkey and 199 dead, dry monkeys.
I tried pretending that they were just stuffed animals.
That worked for awhile, that is until they began to decompose.
It started to smell real bad.
I had to pee but there was a dead monkey in the toilet and I didn't want to call the plumber.
I was embarrassed.

I tried to slow down the decomposition by freezing them.
Unfortunatelythere was only enough room for two monkeys at a time so I had to change them every 30 seconds.
I also had to eat all the food in the freezer so it didn't all go bad.

I tried burning them.
Little did I know my bed was flammable.
I had to extinguish the fire.

Then I had one dead, wet monkey in my toilet, two dead, frozen monkeys inmy freezer, and 197 dead, charred monkeys in a pile on my bed.
The odor wasn't improving.
I became agitated at my inability to dispose of my monkeys and to use the bathroom.
I severely beat one of my monkeys.
I felt better.

I tried throwing them away but the garbage man said that the city wasn't allowed to dispose of charred primates.
I told him that I had a wet one.
He couldn't take that one either.
I didn't bother asking about the frozen ones.

I finally arrived at a solution. I gave them out as Christmas gifts.
My friends didn't know quite what to say.
They pretended that they like them but I could tell they were lying.
So I punched them in the genitals.

I like monkeys


Created at 2:44 PM

big green hulk-ing things | Monday, August 14, 2006

you know something?

i think shrek and the hulk must have some kinda far-fetched relation.
really..shrek;green hulk;green
shrek likes to drink potions(shrek2)
hulk also sort of drank "potions".

the hulk was a cutie before the "potion" activated.
shrek became a hunk after the "potion" activated.

must be some kind of reversed generation genes in there.

any way...shrek. he has layers like onions..(not like cakes)
and the hulk also has layers

overlapping muscles on his 10-pack do count.

their also both big greenie with a softie's heart...
genes. again.

i therefore come, to the conclusion, that SHREK and HULK are both ogres!

thus i, dub thee, sir Frankenstein...
their oldest ancestor!

*clap clap clap*
*means yes>*

see, shrek has got his stick-outs ears from his greatgreatgreat-grand daddy.
luckily shrek was born bald...
or he'll have 365 , 24/7 bad hair...
i'm sure that would have been the last straw for princess Fiona.

frankie's bride needs a super-duper extra smoothening frizz control conditioner for that bush on top of her husband's head.

he also needs a hair treatment and a cut on top of that.

fashion designers and consultants all over the world would have heart attacks and eye cancer if they saw the state of his clothes.

at least the more modern hulk has a better fashion sense.

even if he caused us to faint in fright at his now evolved hercules-worthy lean hard muscles, by ripping his clothes off and letting the rest of the show go to waste...

Created at 2:57 PM

compensation | Sunday, August 13, 2006

i forgot that today is the 13th

so i should not lie

although i'm not a christian..
i should respect their religion.
today is also sunday... 'mass day'.

so...(being a gooood girl).
i shall compensate to my lie and post this lame 1min-to-make cartoon

ok..that combination skin freak was put there cuz he wanted to use the skII mask also.
but i forgot to add it there.
i didn't have enough time.
it IS a one min cartoon.
one min isn't that much time...

i actually got the idea from an old 8days issue.lol

Created at 5:47 PM

due to an overwhelming response..
i have decided to post another.

...okay..that's a lie.
i like to lie

BUT i SWEAR that i won't lie...
for this post.

i think i need to see a plastic surgeon.
and no..it's not because i need to get a boob job
although some people think i need one.

no botox either.
no way am i going to look like barbie...
even though ken may want it.

i just need to have some laugh restrictions.
i'm going crazy.
sometimes i think i sound like i just drowned.
or i have some kind of respiration infecting illness
like hyper-ventilation,or a sudden asthma attack.
maybe lung cancer.
who knows?

and sometimes i just think a evil warty witch has possesed me
*cackle in the moonlight*

my laughter is so confusing that sometimes i don't even know whether i'm crying my eyes out or laughing my foot off...

the part on being confused was a total lie...

i like to lie.

Created at 5:28 PM

i FRIED rice! | Friday, August 11, 2006

all by myself

yupyup...on my very own.lol
too bad i can't post the pic cuz cam got battery leak n usb cable doesn't work.
it sux.

any way... CREDITS: thai sos chili sauce,
golden boy button mushrooms,
canned spiced pork cubes,
pasar mixed frozen vegies,

without ur help, this wonderful production couldn't have been possible
thank you.

(actually the chili sauce was accidental) BUT THANK YOU anyway! ^^
chili never killed and so wouldn't a dejuiced chili...

the chili was actually more watery than i thought,
so a big glop ended up on MY rice...
it looked so obscenely obscene that i mixed it in..
taste damn nice though...

but now i've got RED fried rice

i never really liked red.

Created at 2:49 PM

| Wednesday, August 09, 2006

tis is so lame..
new blog's birthday...9th aug!

happy national day!!!
lol.. bies

update soon. ^^

Created at 7:58 PM


Name: onyx turtle
Age: 14

*burp*day on 12th Dec 92
i want to be thinner, but someone has given MY metabolism to some stick insect idiot that doesn't need it. Warning: am prone to dance on the bed and talk to oneself when bored


dark chocolate
the green bling bling
my friends
my tourtured hp
acting blur
bubble baths
lying on the sofa
2sec fridge raids
2g class of 2006
6c class of 2004

proud snobs
blue cheese
ppl who can whistle(cuz i can't)

nicer handwriting
marry a rich guy
have more clothes
nicer cam
cool laptop
my very own place
world peace ^^
more time
more books(fantasy)
i want my metabolism back.

i am getting fatter blog

<3 2geniality
ee chen
lee min
tzu mi

6c's sexxay blog
yu yin
wing sze



Thomas Poi



August 2006[x] September 2006[x] October 2006[x] November 2006[x] December 2006[x] January 2007[x]