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beware ants | Friday, January 19, 2007

i just realised something.

my handwriting is getting smaller.

i was doing my geo homework and the words looked okay while i was writing them,
but then when i stopped to observe them... OMG

they were like so damn tiny
the 'tallest' letter was like, only 2mm?!

i swear if an ant tried to read whatever i wrote, it would get myopia in an instant.

darn, is there any way to make one's handwriting grow bigger?

Created at 10:48 PM

1st day at sch | Wednesday, January 03, 2007

okay, i know i shouldn't be doing this when i have so much to do,
but i have no dicipline =)

confession: i almost fell asleep in class.
o be exact, during social studies.
when the teacher first walked in, it wasn't even the end of recess yet!
so kiasu.

n when i first looked at him...

i thought...


lol, i know i'm bad to say that, but really, he looks so gay.
n during the lesson, he kept say all that stuff that made everyone damn sleepy.
i swear i wasn't the only one sleeping.
actually, i can't rmb what he said, because i was so sleeepy.

actually, i also can't tell if i did fall asleep anot,
but if i did, i hould have slept for ONE period. =)

our english teacher is quite pretty.
n nice to us.
i can't comment any further.
forgot everything.

what i rmb is there are alot of Ng and Eng's in our teachers.
my form n science teacher is Ng wei yi,
my chem teacher is mdm/ms/mrs eng/ng.
i don't rmb the front, n she judt said out her name, so i don't rmb.

i was made vice-chair =)
what a surprise.
augustine was made chair.
then we talked about me doing the log book.
then scared forget to ask the teacher to sign,
like last yr stef n yw liddat =) (sry)
then royston say can forge the signature,
so bad! lol

so i guess now ask him to forg all the teachers signature le bah,
so no need for me n augustine to get up at all =)
holiday lazy.

hmm, HAHA, u know what?
my life education teacher is mr. koh.
once in sec1 he took my class's music.
then he made us Sing ~good morning mis-ter koh~
when ever he sang ~good mor-ning boys n girls~
omg, that was one of the GAYest moments in my life.
i'm sooo glad he didn't make us do it this time.

opps! shoud go do home work now,
i'm such a bad girl for not doing homework first. =b

Created at 5:12 PM

new year resolutions | Tuesday, January 02, 2007

*actually this post is for yesterday but there was smth wrong with the internet connection,

so... i'm posting it today.*

Another year has passed and Santa Claus has grown a few more white hairs.

It’s time to make more New Year resolutions! =)

*masses of protest*

okay okay!


I know I break practically all of them every single year and most of them are more or less forgotten the second I make them


I will improve,

so I’m gonna post them this year,

and all u guys out there must help me remember them!

Here goes. ..

The New Year resolutions I must remember

No1. improve my memory

(so that I will not forget my new New Year resolutions)

No2. lose 10kg

Hmm, that a bit too bloody ambitious… 5kg?

Fine, JUST lose weight =/

No.3 stop freakin’ swearing so much.

Shit, I just swore.

Oh damn I did it again.

What the hell. =I

No.4 be more girly

ya, u got it, the infamous crazy kiddy is now trying to be more girly.

But first, can some one buy me the hugo boss black ballish cologne thingie for men?

I know it’s for men,

But it’s just darn c u t e !


No5. buy chanel no.5?

Lol, that wasn’t my idea, it’s vincent’s.

Nah, think I should just stop copying other ppl’s homework…

After I copy my holiday homework from other people. =)

No.6 eat more chocolate!

Yae! Finally a resolution that I will enjoy.

Research has shown that the coco beans used in chocolate contains flavournoids (sp?) which help reduce the risk of heart problems… smth like that.

BUT, it’s greatly beneficial to health with long termed consumption.

Sadly, only dark chocolate that contain 70% and above amounts of coco have pros that outweigh the cons. =(

No.7 indulge

Hei hei, MY horoscope this year has said that I should Not deny any cravings.

Actually it said “Don't deny yourself that new experience you've been craving, be it a trip or a class.” Well, indulging in ice-cream IS a experience i’m craving. Isn’t it? ;D

No.8 'Aim to make yourself happy by becoming really, truly intimate with someone.'

(that was part of my horoscope too)

Well I would be happy if I lost all that flab,

I CAN become really truly intimate with some one,


If only I could get past all that flab.

No.9 get more ang pao/bao

Gosh, I can’t even spell that red coloured packet.

Any way, all you married couples out there,

Remember you must help me with my New Year resolutions!

A good way to start is by preparing more $$ in this year’s red packet =d

HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!!!

and remember my red packet =)

Created at 9:06 PM


Name: onyx turtle
Age: 14

*burp*day on 12th Dec 92
i want to be thinner, but someone has given MY metabolism to some stick insect idiot that doesn't need it. Warning: am prone to dance on the bed and talk to oneself when bored


dark chocolate
the green bling bling
my friends
my tourtured hp
acting blur
bubble baths
lying on the sofa
2sec fridge raids
2g class of 2006
6c class of 2004

proud snobs
blue cheese
ppl who can whistle(cuz i can't)

nicer handwriting
marry a rich guy
have more clothes
nicer cam
cool laptop
my very own place
world peace ^^
more time
more books(fantasy)
i want my metabolism back.

i am getting fatter blog

<3 2geniality
ee chen
lee min
tzu mi

6c's sexxay blog
yu yin
wing sze



Thomas Poi



August 2006[x] September 2006[x] October 2006[x] November 2006[x] December 2006[x] January 2007[x]